Part of something greater

Wherever descendants of Clemens and August have set up businesses, they have also founded charities. Historically born out of a connection to the communities where they lived and worked, but also as a result of active engagement in specific areas of interest, these entities include Auxilium, Benevolentia, Clementia Verein, Constanter, Argidius Foundation and Good Energies. Although the business interests, through COFRA, and philanthropic work operate independently, they are underpinned by the same spirit and values rooted in a common heritage. And they can challenge and inspire one another – philanthropy ought to be no less effective and professional than business, and business ought to be no less committed to the common good than philanthropy.

Constanter works in strategic partnership with a wider network of philanthropic organisations. Chief among these are Porticus and Laudes Foundation, which advise and support Constanter in developing and executing its philanthropic strategy.

Positive impact, proven partnerships

Established in 1995, Porticus is now active in over 135 countries. Porticus believes that the best way to maximise positive impact is to tackle the root causes of problems by understanding the systems in which they arise. This means listening to those that understand the issues best, and working in equal partnership with them to deliver change.

Economies that work for everyone

Laudes Foundation exists to challenge and inspire industry to harness its power for good. It operates globally, supporting bold and urgent action to tackle the dual crises of inequality and climate change. Born from the industry-changing work of C&A Foundation and its flagship initiative Fashion for Good, it hopes to redefine value beyond shareholder interests alone, and to re-engineer how we grow and distribute wealth for the good of all people and nature.